Healthy work in a healthy environment

The Swiss Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health (SCOEH) conducts research on factors that contribute to a healthy workplace and environment, and shares its insights by consulting for governments and companies, and by educating workers, managers and university students. We see health as a broad concept that is more than just the absence of disease; instead, it is a state of physical, mental and social well-being, as defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO). (


Dr Michael Riediker is the founder and director of SCOEH. He is an internationally experienced expert in occupational and environmental health. He is:

  • An internationally recognised researcher (he was a lecturer at Unil and professor at NTU Singapore)
  • A certified occupational hygienist ASA SSOH (IOHA)
  • A doctor in environmental hygiene ( ETH)

Since his PhD at ETH Zurich, he has been studying the health risks of aerosols, allergens, gases, noise and stress; and how such risks can be controlled with appropriate strategies. He has decades of experience in managing research projects, advises companies as a certified occupational hygienist SSOH (IOHA) and shares his knowledge through training courses. He is known for his research into UFP and nanoparticles, the development of risk mapping and raising awareness about the significance of aerosols in pandemics, among other things.

Dr. Maggie (Dai-Hua) TSAI has worn several hats in her career. She is:

1. an experienced epidemiologist (PhD in Public Health)

2. a statistician (DAS in applied statistics from ETH Zurich)

3. a trained chemical engineer (Masters)

During her PhD, she specialized in the field of environmental epidemiology. During her postdoctoral and research career, she has had the opportunity to analyze real-world data. Her experience includes both observational studies and clinical trials. She worked for over ten years with the CHUV (Cantonal University Hospital of Vaud, Lausanne), the KJPP (Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Zurich), the USZ (University Hospital Zurich) and the UZH (University of Zurich) on the study of risk factors related to lifestyle and their impact on health.


Postal address:

SCOEH: Schweizerisches Zentrum für Arbeits- und Umweltgesundheit GmbH
Binzhofstrasse 87
8404 Winterthur


+41 77 431 08 58


Our e-mail is info @ “address of our website”